
Rockwell Associates provides a wide variety of services

Rockwell Associates provides a wide variety of services to ensure that your trees and landscape are selected carefully, maintained accurately and preserved properly. 

Customized Arboricultural Management Plans

To ensure that your trees receive the proper nutrients and maintenance, a Customized Arboricultural Management Plan can be developed for your specific site. Many factors are taken into consideration when developing this Arboricultural Management Plan such as climate, the location of trees, drainage of water, size, age and many more.

Complete Tree Inventories

Complete Tree Inventories concentrate on gathering the most accurate information as it relates to the health and stability of your trees. This inventory can also include recommendations relating to hazard/risk assessments, maintenance practices and plant health care.

Tree and Landscape Appraisals

Tree and Landscape Appraisals occur as a result of many factors such as hurricanes, tornados, ice storms, fires, and other natural disasters. Many times these situations are not predictable and cannot be avoided. Rockwell Associates will aid you during this difficult time to properly assess the damage and bring your property back to its pre-casualty condition.

Expert Opinion

After tree damage has occurred, you may seek an Expert Opinion for an official and legal opinion on the subject matter. A Consulting Arborist provides Expert Opinion as a result of education, training, skills and experience.

Hazard & Risk Tree Assessment

A tree is diagnosed as hazardous due to structural problems and having a direct target. A Hazard & Risk Tree Assessment will inventory all trees on the property, state their current condition and provide recommendations for longevity and stability of these trees.

Insect and Disease Diagnosis and Management

There are many different insects and diseases that can affect a tree/shrub. Furthermore, the time of diagnosis may not be the right time for treatment. Through Insect and Disease Diagnosis and Management Rockwell Associates will properly diagnose the issue and provide proper recommendations for treatment.

Tree Preservation and Retention

Whether you are undergoing a major construction project or creating a simple addition to your house, Tree Preservation and Retention will be an important factor for you to review. Rockwell Associates will be able to review the proposed area for construction and communicate to you if a tree should be saved and the correct way to minimize trauma to the tree.

Landscape Design and Architecture Planning

One of the most important parts of creating a landscape is careful planning and proper selection. ThroughLandscape Design and Architecture Planning, Rockwell Associates will review the property and consider factors such as geographic location, soil type, maintenance requirements, and insect and disease tolerance to aid in the selection of trees and shrubs that will thrive on your property and that will be most aesthetically pleasing.

Contract Consulting and Preparation

Preparing a contract can be a difficult task, whether it is for grounds maintenance, a tenant’s lease or a construction project. With landscape and tree maintenance, you want to ensure that you are including the proper tasks needed, obtaining fair pricing and excluding tasks that are not needed. Rockwell Associates provides Contract Consulting and Preparation to make certain that this criteria is met and all terms and conditions are clear.

Landscape and Tree Monitoring

Through Landscape and Tree Monitoring you will have peace of mind knowing that the industry-certified experts from Rockwell Associates are performing routine inspections and assessments to address current issues and provide recommendations resulting in a written report.

Plant Health Care

Plant Health Care is just as important as selecting the proper trees/shrubs for a particular area. The key to a successful landscape is providing the proper nutrients and ensuring suitable environmental conditions are present. Expert Arborists can correctly identify insects and diseases and determine the best method for treatment. In addition, Rockwell Associates will provide soil testing and fertilizer applications so that your trees receive just the right nutrients they need to live a long life.

Forest Management
  • Forest management planning, based on your objectives
  • Forest/ woodland inventory, financial analysis, and timber taxation
  • Sustainable practices to ensure woodland health and longevity
  • Wildlife habitat management and creation
  • Invasive plant management
  • Carbon programs
  • Owners’ representation
  • Boundary line maintenance
  • Timber trespass investigation
  • Trail Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Woodland Planting and Creation

Alongside streams and rivers, the roots of trees and shrubs help to stabilize soil, reducing the risk of flood and erosion. Trees and shrubs also provide important habitat in both upland and riparian settings, offering shelter, nesting and den sites, and shade to help moderate water temperatures.

If you have a river or stream on your property, Rockwell Associates will work with you to control invasive plants if necessary, and plant native vegetation including trees and shrubs that hold soil effectively. We start with a thorough assessment of the site and the surrounding area, looking at what is currently growing there. We examine the soils and consider the local climate, the habitat, and the flood risk mitigation value of the trees and shrubs available at local nurseries. Then we work with you to develop a planting plan.

The most rewarding part of riparian and upland projects is the planting itself. Getting our hands dirty, digging holes, and planting trees and shrubs is always fun. Rockwell has the necessary equipment and staff for virtually any type of planting, and we welcome the opportunity to help you reduce the risk of flood and erosion to your property.

Urban Forestry/Wooded Lot Management

Through Urban Forestry/Wooded Lot Management, arborists are able to carefully care for and manage tree populations in urban settings meanwhile improving the environment. Through proper education, advanced skills and extensive experience, Rockwell Associates can help to make your outdoor surroundings environmentally beneficial for all.

Municipal Tree Ordinance Writing

Municipal Tree Ordinance Writing is a very important part of today’s communities. Tree Ordinances are methods put in place by communities to create a healthy, aesthetically-pleasing environment through their trees. These industry standards must be incorporated into a management plan to fully benefit the community. Rockwell Associates will assess the situation, review all facts involved and develop a management plan that incorporates these methods.

Report Writing

Report Writing is a complete compilation of all facts relating to a specific arboricultural situation. These detailed reports include many sections such as an Introduction, Summary, Purpose and Use, Discussion, Conclusion and more. A Registered Consulting Arborist will prepare the report as per industry standards and include any research that pertains to the current situation.


When two or more parties cannot reach a resolution relating to an Arboricultural issue, Mediation is necessary. A Registered Consulting Arborist can arrange to be present to assist the parties involved in reaching a mutual beneficial decision.


Rockwell Associates can also provide Arbitration for two or more parties involving a tree-related issue. In this instance, a Registered Consulting Arborist will be present and present the facts of a particular situation for an Arbitrator to award a decision that will be legally binding.

Tree/Landscape Consulting Services

Rockwell Associates is your solution! Rockwell Associates possesses over 15 years of tree/landscape consulting services from writing informative estimates and acquiring sales to performing the work and exceeding the expectations of the customer.

Rockwell Associates can assist your company in the following areas:

  • Preparing a complete and detailed estimate for your customer to inform them of all aspects of the proposed work
  • Sales training for your team to raise the conversion rate of estimates to sales
  • Acquiring accurate meeting notes and the appropriate handling of them following a meeting
  • Constructing a suitable contract for a specific job
  • Determining a logical construction schedule allowing delivery of your completed project under budget and on time
  • Completing work with the assistance of sub-contractors
  • Appropriate client/contractor communication before, during and after the job
Urban forestry / Tree Inventories
  • tree inventories
  • tree risk assessment
  • tree assessment of a single tree or stand of trees (entire property)
  • management recommendations
  • planting recommendations
  • contractor specifications
  • owner’s representation
  • tree preservation management
  • Tree identification and diagnosis of diseases and pests
  • Treatment prescriptions
  • On-site supervision and monitoring of contractors
  • Soil and Foliage Nutrient Analyses
Arboricultural and Landscape Expert Witness
  • Trees/Branches Causing People & Property Damage/Fatality
  •  Personal Injury related to Tree Defects
  • Trees Falling into Roadways Causing Vehicle Crashes
  • Injuries that Occur During Pruning or Tree Removal
  • Property Damage from Application / Misapplication of Herbicides
  • Electric Shock Injuries to tree and Landscape Workers
  • Slips, Trips & Falls related to Landscaping Activities
  • Tree / Plant Growth Obstructing Roadway Signage
  • Vegetation Management in Utility Right of Ways
  • Valuation of Damaged Trees
  • Valuation of Trees Removed without Consent
  • Contractor Mismanagement
  • Second opinion
  • Report writing
  • Tree and Neighbor Law Issues: Border and Boundary Line Tree Disputes
  • Issues of Negligent or Intentional Trespass and Property Damage
  • Insurance Claim Investigation
  • Lightning / Storm Damage Evaluation
  • Tree Preservation During Construction
  • Loss to Eminent Domain Taking
  • Litigation Support
  • Expert Witness Testimony
Tree Preservation & Urban Forest Conservation
  • Planning and design phase services:
  • Tree preservation and protection plans
  • Specifications, exhibits, & construction documents
  • Tree inventories, assessments, & surveys
  • Site planning, master plans, and development
  • Forest conservation and mitigation plans
  • Regulatory and permitting support
  • Landscape tree appraisals
  • Custom solutions for specimen and historic trees
  • Tree protection fencing
  • Root protection and aeration
  • Tree health monitoring and treatment
  • Consultations with contractors and land owners
Municipal Urban Forestry
  • Township / Borough Support
  • Urban forestry site planning, master plans, and development
  • Planting and maintenance plan design
  • Tree benefit calculations and tree valuation
  • Invasive species assessment and management plans and implementation
  • Professional tree risk assessment
  • Storm damage assessment and response planning
  • Tree mapping and data management
  • Tree preservation and inventory tracking
  • Tree work and planting crew monitoring
  • Management of specimen and historic trees
  • Tree management software and technical support
Landscape Expert Services
  • Second opinion
  • Contractor negligence
  • Contractor mismanagement
  • Specifications writing
  • Contract writing
  • Plant selection
  • Contractor termination assistance
Reforestation and Woodland Planting

We’re in the business of planting trees.

Reforestation is the critical first step in the forest management process. Following a invasive plant eradication, development that damages the woodland edge, develop a woodland structure or add to an existing woodland , each site needs to be replanted during proper weather conditions. A well-managed reforestation / woodland plan ensures the forest is productive and healthy for years to come. Rockwell Associates performs many reforestation services, including determining the species best suited for this site, ordering appropriate nursery stock, overseeing planting operations, and monitoring seedling survival during the first few years of growth. Rockwell Associates also performs third-party audits of planting contractors to ensure your site is planted correctly.

Examples of Services Provided:

  • Site preparation to promote successful seedling establishment
  • Tree ordering
  • Tree planting
  • Planting audits and compliance
  • 1-5 year seedling survival surveys
Ecological Assessments

If you are interested in learning more about the special ecological features of your land, Rockwell Associates can help.

You might already be aware of some of the more unique features of your property. For example, you might know more about a vernal pool or wetland that is a home or a breeding place for amphibians. Or you have identified rare plant or natural communities, such as a showy lady slipper bog or silver maple-ostrich fern floodplain forest. If you already know that these features exist, Rockwell Associates can help you employ management practices that support them.

If you haven’t explored the unique features of your property, Rockwell Associates can help you get started. Our ecological assessments reach across your land to uncover the features not only worth admiring, but worth protecting and nourishing.

While Rockwell Associates staff includes much of the expertise needed to assess and protect the special features of your property, we can also call on our strong network of experts in various environmental disciplines to support us as needed.